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Early Warning eXplorer for Central Asia

Early Warning eXplorer (EWX)
Hazard Type: FloodsExtreme Weather
E-Resilience Phase: Know Your RiskPreparedness
Organization: United States Geological Survey

This Tool utilizes ICT for its own resilienceICT for society's resilience and is associated with the keywords: Avoiding Creation of New RisksReducing VulnerabilityReducing ExposureUtilizing ICT for Risk AssessmentsUtilizing ICT to enable better AnalysisUtilizing ICT for Development Planning

The Early Warning eXplorer (EWX) software is an interactive web-based mapping tool that allows users to visualize continental-scale rainfall estimate (RFE), land surface temperature (LST) and total precipitable water (TPW) data and anomalies at varied time steps and review time series analyses.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) FEWS NET Data Portal provides access to geo-spatial data, satellite image products, and derived data products in support of FEWS NET drought monitoring efforts throughout the world. This portal is provided by the USGS FEWS NET Project, part of the Early Warning Focus Area at the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center.

Access the EWX for Central Asia