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Post Disaster Needs Assessment Overview

This Tool utilizes ICT for its own resilienceICT for society's resilience and is associated with the keywords: Enabling Rapid AssessmentInvesting to reduce Future RisksEnabling Rapid Assessments and detailed PDNAEnhancing Future Investments

A  Post-Disaster  Needs  Assessment  (PDNA) is  a  government-led exercise; it  provides  a platform  for the  international  community to assist the  affected  Government in  recovery  and reconstruction; it provides  a  coordinated  and  credible  basis  for  recovery  and  reconstruction  planning; it incorporates risk reduction measures and financing plans; and provides a systemic link into sustainable development.

The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) provides an overview of previous PDNAs, labeled by country, year and disaster type on its website.

The PDNAs conducted under the leadership of affected country governments are the most important tasks of the Standby Recovery Financing Facility (SRFF). The flagship products of SRFF are the reports that these assessments generate. These are reports of the respective governments prepared with the assistance of GFDRR and the international community at large.

They are increasingly being used by governments and the international development community to base the recovery and reconstruction plans and programs upon. They are also as the base document for discussions to determine international development assistance in cases requiring external assistance including leveraging of targeted or additional assistance from the World Bank and other traditional donors.

Photo: GFDRR

Access the PDNA overview